5 Best Marketing Project Management Software in 2023

best marketing project management software


According to Content Marketing Institute, 42% of B2B content marketers say they are effective in their processes. But what about the rest? If your marketing team is swamped, deadlines are tight, and campaigns are piling up, you need a Marketing Project Management Software that understands and solves your unique problem. 

Marketing Project Management Software is the game-changer your marketing team needs. Forget about missing deadlines or scrambling at the last minute. Here, you can streamline tasks, set priorities, and even measure ROI—all in one place. It’s like having a super-organized project manager, available 24/7, that never takes a vacation.

Get ready to level up your marketing game. These tools are not just “nice-to-have”; they are a “must-have” for any marketing team that wants to stay ahead in this fast-paced world. So, want to know how this magic tool works and what it can do for you? Read on!

 Quick List of 5 Marketing Project Management Software

  1. Onethread: Plan and execute marketing campaigns with real-time collaboration and tracking.
  2. Monday.com: A highly customizable platform that integrates well with other tools, making it easy to manage complex marketing projects.
  3. Trello: Offers a visual, card-based interface perfect for organizing tasks and workflows in marketing projects.
  4. Wrike: Specializes in performance analytics and real-time reporting, ensuring your marketing projects stay on track.
  5. Toggl Plan: Combines spreadsheet-like interface with project management features, ideal for data-driven marketing teams.

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Comparison Chart Of  Marketing Project Management Software

Here’s a specific comparison chart focusing on features aligned with Marketing Project Management Software.


Collaboration Features

File Sharing Features

Time Tracking Features

AI-Driven Features

Comments and Mentions, team discussions, announcements

File Attachments, Document creation, editing, and sharing


Insight Reports (Customizable, Exportable)

Flexible, customizable bridge, aligning everyone in real-time and keeping teams on track.

File Column (Native Uploads, Version History)

Time Tracking View (Manual Entries, Billable Time)

Data Widgets (Drag and Drop, Real-Time)

Views, Attach emails, create shared inbox

Card Attachments (Multiple Formats, Preview)

Time for Trello (Browser Extension, Summary)

Analytics Plug-In (Third-Party, KPI Monitoring)

Unparalleled visibility. one centralized hub

File Management (Version Control, Locking)

Time Tracking (Built-In Timer, Report Generation)

Performance Chart (Real-Time, Custom Filters)

easily add tasks, pre-made templates

Shared Drive (Unlimited Space, File Preview)

Time Tracking (Start/Stop Timer, Idle Detection)

Visual Timelines (Color-Coded, Milestone Tracking)

What is Marketing Project Management Software?

Marketing Project Management Software

Marketing Project Management Software is a specialized tool designed for marketing teams. It helps manage, track, and execute marketing projects from start to finish. The software combines project management features with marketing-specific tools. 

This means you can plan campaigns, assign tasks, set deadlines, and even measure ROI all in one place. It simplifies collaboration and ensures that projects stay on time and within budget. Think of it as your all-in-one command center for marketing projects.

How Marketing Project Management Software Can Help Your Business?

How Marketing Project Management Software Can Help Your Business

Marketing Project Management Software is more than just a handy tool—it’s essential for success. Here’s how it can be a game-changer for your business:

  • Streamlined Workflow: Organize all tasks, deadlines, and team members in one dashboard.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Allows team members to work together seamlessly, regardless of location.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Comes with analytics and reporting tools to measure campaign effectiveness and ROI.
  • Time-Saving: Automates repetitive tasks, leaving more time for strategy and creativity.
  • Resource Allocation: Helps you allocate resources wisely, avoiding bottlenecks and delays.
  • Budget Management: Keeps track of expenses and ensures projects don’t go over budget.

Incorporating Marketing Project Management Software can give you a strategic edge, keeping you one step ahead in this competitive landscape.

Key Features to Consider in Marketing Project Management Software

Key Features to Consider in Marketing Project Management Software

When you’re in the Marketing Project Management Software market, knowing what features to look for is crucial. Software that aligns with your team’s needs can be the difference between chaos and smooth sailing. Here’s a deep dive into the key features you should consider.

File Sharing:

One of the first things to look for is robust file-sharing capabilities. You need a platform where team members can easily upload, download, and edit files. This should include various formats like documents, spreadsheets, and media files. It’s not just about storage; it’s about seamless collaboration.

Workflow Management:

Workflow management helps you map out the entire journey of a project. You can assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress all in one place. This feature is invaluable for keeping everyone on the same page and identifying any bottlenecks before they become problematic.

Time Tracking:

Knowing where time is spent is crucial to productivity. Time tracking features allow you to monitor how much time is spent on each task. This data can help in future planning and even in assessing team performance. Time is money, after all.

Reviewing Files and Providing Feedback:

Feedback is crucial in any project. The software should allow for easy commenting on files and tasks. This streamlines the review process, reducing the time spent on back-and-forths. Quick and clear feedback loops are essential whether it’s a design mock-up or a marketing copy.

Documenting Information and Creating a Knowledge Base:

Over time, your team will accumulate a lot of helpful information. A good Marketing Project Management Software will offer features for creating a knowledge base. This can include FAQs, how-to guides, and project templates. A well-organized knowledge base can be a lifesaver during tight deadlines.

One-on-One Communication Features:

Sometimes, you need to hash things out directly. Look for a tool that offers one-on-one communication features like chat or video calls. This can help resolve issues quickly without having to leave the platform.

Top 5 Marketing Project Management Software

Choosing the right Marketing Project Management Software can transform your marketing efforts from good to exceptional. To save you the legwork, we’ve narrowed down the top five options that stand out in this crowded field. 

These platforms offer robust features designed to streamline tasks, enhance collaboration, and boost productivity. Here’s a quick look at the cream of the crop.

#1. Onethread


Onethread is a cutting-edge Marketing Project Management Software designed to streamline and optimize marketing campaigns and initiatives. With its intuitive interface and robust features, it caters specifically to the dynamic needs of marketing teams. 

From planning ad campaigns to tracking content creation and analyzing results, Onethread offers a comprehensive solution. Its collaborative tools, such as Discussion Rooms and Task Management, ensure seamless communication and efficient workflow management. 

As a holistic platform, Onethread not only simplifies marketing project execution but also provides insights to drive success, making it an indispensable tool for modern marketers.

Try Onethread

Experience Onethread full potential, with all its features unlocked. Sign up now to start your 14-day free trial!


Founding Team:

Rashik Hoque has been the Co-Founder and CEO of Onethread since 2021.

Key features

Let’s delve into the key features that set Onethread apart.

All-in-One Dashboard:


Onethread’s dashboard provides a comprehensive view of all ongoing projects. You can see task statuses, upcoming deadlines, and team member assignments with just a glance. This centralized hub keeps everyone informed and aligned.

Intuitive Workflow Management:

No more grappling with convoluted task lists. Onethread offers a user-friendly workflow management system. You can easily create, assign, and track tasks, making project navigation straightforward and efficient.

Easy File Sharing:

Onethread-DocHub/ File Sharing

Sharing documents is a hassle-free experience on Onethread. Whether it’s design files or spreadsheets, the platform allows quick uploads and downloads, streamlining collaboration and ensuring everyone has access to the resources they need.

Time Tracking:


Stay on top of how time is spent with Onethread’s time-tracking feature. It allows you to gauge productivity, helping you make data-driven decisions when planning future projects.

Built-In Knowledge Base:


Onethread has a built-in knowledge base, turning it into a repository for your team’s collective wisdom. Easily store FAQs, tutorials, and best practices to facilitate quicker decision-making and problem-solving.

Direct Communication Tools:

Onethread-Collaborative Discussions and Feedback

With its one-on-one communication features, resolving issues becomes a speedy process. Whether through chat or announcements, team members can discuss matters privately without leaving the Onethread environment.

Pricing plans and options


Here’s a quick rundown of their three primary pricing options:

Free Plan:

Ideal for small teams or those just getting started, the Free Plan offers basic features. This is an excellent option for those who want to test the waters without any financial commitment.

Growth Plan – $3.6/month:

This plan is perfect for growing teams looking to enhance their project management capabilities without breaking the bank.

Scale Plan – $6/month:

The scale plan is designed for larger enterprises or teams with complex projects. It is the go-to choice for businesses aiming for maximum efficiency and data-driven decision-making.

Try Onethread

Experience Onethread full potential, with all its features unlocked. Sign up now to start your 14-day free trial!

#2. Monday.com


Monday.com is a work management platform. It helps teams plan, execute, and track projects in one place. You can create tasks, set deadlines, and assign team members. It offers customizable templates to fit various needs like marketing, sales, and software development. Real-time collaboration is easy. 

Team members can chat, share files, and make comments right within tasks. Monday.com also integrates with popular tools like Slack, Google Drive, and Zoom. The platform is accessible on both desktop and mobile. Data is secure and easy to export. 

With Monday.com, you get better visibility into your work, making meeting deadlines and achieving goals easier.

Monday.com – Overview

Product Information:

  • Company Valuation: $7.58 billion as of September 24, 2023.
  • Employee Numbers:1,064 employees.

Founding Team:

Monday.com is co-founded by Roy Mann and Eran Zinman

Key Features:

Regarding Marketing Project Management Software, Monday.com stands out as a leader in the industry. Known for its robust features, user-friendly interface, and scalability, it is the ultimate tool for managing intricate marketing projects with precision.

Visual Boards and Templates:

Monday.com-Visual Project Management

Monday.com offers highly customizable visual boards, allowing teams to track project progress easily. These boards can be adapted for various marketing campaigns, from content creation to social media management. Templates come pre-designed but can be altered to fit your unique needs. Not only does this feature offer a visual snapshot of your projects, but it also streamlines task allocation and prioritization.

Workflow Automation:


Automate repetitive tasks and actions with Monday.com’s workflow automation feature. This enables teams to focus more on strategic activities rather than getting bogged down with manual operations. The workflow automation integrates seamlessly with other Monday.com features, ensuring a cohesive project management experience.

Time Tracking and Reporting:

Monday.com-Time Tracking

Time management is pivotal in any marketing project. Monday.com’s built-in time tracking tool allows you to monitor the hours spent on each task, thus helping resource allocation and billing. The software also offers in-depth reporting capabilities. You can generate custom reports to evaluate project health, track key performance indicators, and make data-driven decisions for future projects.

Collaborative File Sharing:

Monday.com-File Sharing

Monday.com’s file-sharing feature ensures all essential documents and multimedia files are centrally located. Team members can upload, share, and comment on files, thereby fostering a more collaborative environment. Files can also be linked to specific tasks or projects, making it easier to locate resources when they are needed the most.



One of the standout features is the extensive range of third-party integrations available. From CRM tools like Salesforce to communication platforms like Slack, Monday.com allows you to connect various software solutions. This enhances the software’s functionality and reduces the need to switch between multiple platforms, thereby saving time and improving productivity.

Pros & Cons:


  • Highly customizable and scalable.
  • Intuitive user interface that’s easy to navigate.
  • Extensive third-party integrations.
  • Robust reporting and analytics capabilities.
  • Strong customer support.


  • Pricing can be on the higher side for smaller teams.
  • Some advanced features may have a learning curve.

Pricing Plans:

  • Basic Plan: Starting at $8/user/month, includes essential features like task management and unlimited boards.
  • Standard Plan: Priced at $10/user/month, adds timeline views, calendar, and automation.
  • Pro Plan: Costs $16/user/month, offers time tracking, chart views, and advanced automations.
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing tailored for larger organizations requiring advanced security and support.

Customer Ratings:

  • G2: 4.3 out of 5 stars
  • Capterra: 4.6 out of 5 stars


Monday.com is a project management tool. It’s known for its user-friendly interface and customization. You can track tasks, timelines, and workflow. The platform supports team collaboration well. It’s good for both small businesses and big corporations.

However, it’s not cheap. Smaller teams may find it costly. Also, the platform has many features. This can make it complex for new users. Sometimes it’s too much.

Overall, Monday.com is effective but pricey. It’s versatile but can be overwhelming. If you need robust features and have the budget, it’s a solid choice. Consider the cost and learning curve if you’re a small team or new to project management.

#3. Trello

Trello is a visual project management tool. It uses boards, lists, and cards to organize tasks and projects. Each board represents a project. Inside boards, lists act as stages of a project. Cards are individual tasks. You can move cards between lists to show progress. 

Trello is great for both individuals and teams. It supports real-time collaboration, allowing team members to comment, attach files, and set due dates. Trello is accessible via desktop and mobile. 

It offers integrations with apps like Google Drive, Slack, and Dropbox. The flexible platform can adapt to various workflows, from simple to-do lists to complex projects. Trello makes task management straightforward and collaborative.

Trello – Overview


Product Information:

  • Company Valuation: $425M
  • Employee Numbers: 873

Founding Team:

Founded by Joel Spolsky & Michael Pryor.

Key Features:

Trello makes it straightforward to manage projects from conception to completion. In this exhaustive review, we’ll delve deep into the various features.

Kanban Boards:

Trello-Kanban Boards

Trello utilizes Kanban boards, a highly visual method for project management. These boards offer a drag-and-drop interface where tasks are moved from one column to another as they progress. For marketing teams, this is an intuitive way to track the status of various campaigns, content schedules, or any other project.

Cards and Lists:

Trello-Table View

Each task in Trello is represented by a card, which can be organized into lists representing different project phases. Cards can contain everything from due dates and checklists to attachments and comments. This feature ensures that all pertinent information is centralized, providing team members with a comprehensive view of tasks and facilitating better decision-making.


Trello-Collaboration and Communication

Trello excels in the area of team collaboration. Not only can team members comment on cards, but they can also be tagged to receive notifications. This makes it easier for teams to collaborate in real time, whether in the office or remotely. The seamless communication feature helps eliminate bottlenecks and keeps everyone on the same page.



Trello offers a variety of “Power-Ups,” which are essentially integrations that extend the platform’s capabilities. These range from connecting to Google Drive for file storage to integrating with tools like Slack for enhanced communication. This flexibility allows marketing teams to tailor their Trello boards to their specific needs, improving overall productivity.

Mobile Accessibility:

In today’s fast-paced environment, having mobile access to your projects is essential. Trello offers a responsive mobile application that ensures you can manage your marketing projects on the go. Whether you need to update a card or check the status of a project, the mobile app offers full functionality.

Pros & Cons:


  • User-friendly interface suitable for all skill levels.
  • Highly customizable with various Power-Ups.
  • Excellent for team collaboration.
  • Mobile app provides flexibility.
  • Free basic plan available.


  • Some advanced features require paid plans.
  • May not be suitable for extremely complex projects.

Pricing Plans:

  • Free Plan: Limited to 10 boards, basic features.
  • Business Class: $10/user/month, unlimited boards, custom fields, and priority support.
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing, advanced security features, and administrative controls.

Customer Ratings:

  • G2: 4.3 out of 5 stars
  • Capterra: 4.5 out of 5 stars


Trello is a visual project management tool. It uses cards and boards to organize tasks. It’s intuitive and easy to start with, making it popular for small teams. The drag-and-drop feature is a hit. Collaboration is easy, and it has useful templates.

On the downside, Trello’s basic features can be limiting. For complex projects, it may not be enough. Advanced features need third-party integrations or a paid plan. Reporting options are basic unless you upgrade.

In summary, Trello is great for simple projects and quick starts. However, it might fall short of complex tasks and robust reporting. Depending on your needs, the limitations could be a deal-breaker or a non-issue.

#4. Wrike


Wrike is an enterprise-level project management tool. It’s designed to improve work efficiency among teams. You can break big projects into smaller tasks using its built-in Gantt charts, Kanban boards, or tables. 

It has time-tracking features, so you know how long each task takes. Real-time updates and customizable dashboards provide a clear overview of ongoing projects. ‘Wrike promotes teamwork through comment sections, @mentions, and file-sharing capabilities. 

It integrates with popular tools like Google Workspace and Salesforce. Accessible on both desktop and mobile, Wrike is suited for teams of all sizes. With Wrike, you can streamline your workflows, enhance collaboration, and achieve goals faster.

Wrike – Overview

Product Information:

  • Company Valuation: $2.25 billion.
  • Employee Numbers: 1,000 employees.

Founding Team:

Wrike was founded in 2006 by Andrew Filev

Key Features:

Wrike serves as the bedrock for marketing teams aiming for efficiency and results. In this comprehensive review, we will unpack the software’s robust features.

Custom Workflows:

Wrike-Custom Workflows

Wrike’s custom workflows offer the ultimate control in shaping your project management experience. These workflows can be tailored to fit the particular needs of a marketing project, be it content creation, digital marketing, or any other campaign. By offering a flexible framework, Wrike ensures that teams can adapt rapidly to project shifts without losing productivity or time.

Dynamic Request Forms:

Wrike-Request Forms

Streamline your intake process with Wrike’s dynamic request forms. These forms can be customized to capture all the relevant details for a new project or task. By simplifying the intake process, Wrike ensures that projects start off on the right foot, with all the needed information accessible to all stakeholders.

Gantt Charts and Timelines:

Wrike-Gant Chart

Planning and time management are made straightforward with Wrike’s Gantt charts and timelines. They visually represent the project’s lifespan, from inception to delivery. Team members can easily set dependencies, adjust deadlines, and track progress, making staying focused and meeting project milestones easier.

Real-Time Collaboration:


Wrike shines in facilitating real-time collaboration among team members. The platform features live editing, commenting, and document versioning, enabling teams to work on projects simultaneously without overlap or confusion. This promotes an agile environment, which is key for the fast-paced nature of marketing projects.

Advanced Analytics:

Wrike-Robust Reporting Tools

In today’s data-driven world, analytics are indispensable. Wrike offers advanced analytics tools that provide insights into project performance, resource allocation, and more. With customizable dashboards and reporting, making data-informed decisions is possible and conveniently accessible.

Pros & Cons:


  • Highly customizable to fit various marketing needs.
  • Supports real-time collaboration and document sharing.
  • Comprehensive analytics for data-driven decisions.
  • User-friendly interface, minimizing the learning curve.
  • Strong customer support and online resources.


  • Might be overwhelming for smaller teams due to feature richness.
  • Pricing can be a bit steep for those on a budget.

Pricing Plans:

  • Free Plan: Suitable for small teams, limited features.
  • Professional Plan: $9.80/user/month, offers full project planning and collaboration tools.
  • Business Plan: $24.80/user/month, adds automation and advanced integration features.
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing, tailored solutions for large organizations.

Customer Ratings:

  • G2: 4.2 out of 5 stars
  • Capterra: 4.2 out of 5 stars


Wrike is a project management software aimed at streamlining work. It offers robust features like Gantt charts, workload views, and custom dashboards. Teams can collaborate in real time. It’s scalable, making it suitable for both small and large organizations.

However, Wrike has its drawbacks. The interface can be complex and intimidating for new users. It has a steep learning curve. The pricing structure is also higher, which may deter smaller businesses.

To summarize, Wrike is a powerful tool for comprehensive project management, but it comes with complexity and cost. If you’re willing to invest time in learning and have the budget, it’s a strong contender. Otherwise, the learning curve and pricing could be barriers.

#5. Toggl Plan

Toggl Plan-Home

Toggl Plan is a simple, intuitive planning tool. It’s designed for teams and individual users who want a clear visual of their tasks and timelines. Using drag-and-drop timelines, you can easily plan projects and rearrange tasks. 

You can assign team members, set deadlines, and add task details. Toggl Plan offers a shared calendar view, making it easy to see who’s doing what and when. Real-time updates keep everyone in the loop. 

Integrating Toggl Plan with other tools like Google Calendar and Slack is easy. Accessible via web and mobile, it’s convenient for remote or on-the-go teams. Toggl Plan simplifies work planning, enhances team collaboration, and helps you meet your goals efficiently.

Toggl Plan- Overview

Founding Team:

Toggl was created in 2006, by Alari Aho and Krister Haav in Tallinn, Estonia. 

Key Features:

In this detailed review, we’ll explore the key functionalities:

Drag-and-Drop Planning:

Toggl Plan-Drag-and-Drop

Toggl Plan offers a drag-and-drop interface that makes planning incredibly easy and intuitive. Users can swiftly move tasks around to better align with changes in priorities or timelines. This functionality saves time and effort, especially in the dynamic field of marketing, where shifts are frequent and inevitable.

Visual Timelines:

Toggl Plan-Visual Timelines

The software includes visual timelines that help you track the progress of each marketing campaign. These timelines offer color-coding options to help differentiate between tasks and projects. With just a glance, team members can ascertain where a project stands, what needs to be done next, and who is responsible for what.

Team Collaboration:

Toggl Plan-Team Collaboration

Collaboration is at the heart of Toggl Plan. The platform enables real-time comments and updates, making it easier for team members to collaborate on projects. This feature proves invaluable for remote teams or for any situation requiring instant communication, ensuring everyone stays in the loop.

Workload Management:

Toggl Plan-Workload Management

Workload management is another noteworthy feature. This helps you track how much work each team member has and helps balance it accordingly. This function can be a lifesaver in marketing, where various tasks often have differing levels of complexity and time requirements.

Multiple Views:

Toggl Plan-Multiple Views

Toggl Plan offers multiple views, including Board view, Timeline view, and Team view, among others. This allows each team member to choose the view they find most comfortable working with. These different perspectives aid in better understanding and managing the intricacies of marketing projects.

Pros & Cons:


  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface.
  • Excellent visual timelines for easy tracking.
  • Robust collaboration features.
  • Effective workload management tools.
  • Multiple views for personalized navigation.


  • Lacks advanced analytics capabilities.
  • May not be suited for extremely large teams.

Pricing Plans:

Toggl Plan-Pricing
  • Free Plan: Limited features, ideal for small teams.
  • Standard Plan: $9/user/month, includes most features and unlimited projects.
  • Premium Plan: $15/user/month, advanced features including workload management.

Customer Ratings:

  • G2: 4.0 out of 5 stars
  • Capterra: 4.1 out of 5 stars


Toggl Plan is a project planning tool that focuses on simplicity. It offers drag-and-drop timelines, making scheduling easy. You can see the big picture at a glance, ideal for quick updates. It’s user-friendly and integrates well with other tools.

However, it has its limitations. Toggl Plan lacks some advanced features like in-depth reporting and risk management. This makes it less suitable for complex projects. The mobile experience is also not as robust as the desktop version.

In summary, Toggl Plan is excellent for simple, straightforward planning. But if you need advanced features or robust mobile functionality, it might not be the best fit. It’s a tool that excels in ease of use but falls short in complexity.

Getting the Most Out of Marketing Project Management Software

Getting the Most Out of Marketing Project Management Software

Unlocking the full potential of Marketing Project Management Software is key to supercharging your marketing efforts.

  • Prioritize Training: Invest time in educating your team on the software’s capabilities.
  • Set Clear Goals: Know what you want to achieve with the software, be it enhanced collaboration or streamlined workflows.
  • Customize Workflows: Most software allows workflow customization; leverage this to suit your marketing strategies.
  • Regular Updates and Check-ins: Keep your project status and timelines up to date for better project visibility.
  • Use Analytics: Make data-driven decisions by using the software’s analytics features.
  • Evaluate and Adapt: Periodically review the software’s impact on your projects and make necessary adjustments.

By adhering to these best practices, you can optimize the performance and impact of your Marketing Project Management Software.

Parting Words

Marketing Project Management Software is an invaluable asset for modern marketing teams. It streamlines planning, fosters real-time collaboration, and provides actionable insights through analytics. 

By choosing the right software and employing best practices, you can significantly enhance your team’s efficiency and productivity. Investing in a robust system is a game-changer for achieving your marketing goals.


Is Marketing Project Management Software Easy to Use?

Ease of use varies by product, but most modern solutions are designed with user-friendly interfaces. Many offer tutorials, customer support, and a community forum to help users acclimate to the platform.

What Features Should I Look For?

Look for features such as custom workflows, real-time collaboration, analytics, and file-sharing capabilities. The right features will depend on your specific marketing needs and team size.

Are There Free Plans Available?

Many platforms offer free plans with limited features, ideal for small teams or trialing the software. Paid plans typically offer more advanced features and greater customization.

How Does Marketing Project Management Software Improve Efficiency?

By centralizing tasks, deadlines, and communication, the software makes tracking and managing marketing projects easier. Automated features can also eliminate repetitive tasks, freeing time for strategic activities.

Is My Data Secure?

Most reputable platforms prioritize data security and offer various measures like encryption and two-factor authentication to protect your data.

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