Movavi Video Editor Review: Detailed Features, Benefits, and Thoughts

Movavi Video Editor Review


Creating videos has become a big part of every company’s marketing campaigns. People prefer watching videos because they can be entertaining and faster to consume than reading text. 

However, to make compelling content, you need video editing software to ensure that only the important parts of your message are shown. 

One of the easiest and feature-rich video editors on the market is Movavi. In this post, we’ll go through all the platform’s features and how it can make short work of editing complex footage. 

So, whether you’re making tutorials, marketing content, or trailers, this video editor may be what you’re looking for. 

Exceptional Video Editing Features of Movavi

For most filmmakers, specific features, like color correction or filters, are always needed when editing footage. Movavi’s free video editor Mac software has all the tools you need to create unique content to which your audience will be drawn. Here is what these tools can do. 

Color Corrections

Color Corrections

Color correction is one of the first steps videographers take to fix exposure, balance white and black hues, and adjust contrast and saturation. The Movavi color correction feature aims to match the color in your video clips so each scene is unified. 



Can you overlay multiple images or clips to create a single video? The Movavi overlay feature allows adding extra elements to your video without changing your original footage. Add backgrounds, lens flares, or animated images to make your videos stand out from the rest.   



Although creating one long piece of footage is possible, it may be boring for the viewer. What makes video content interesting is having various scenes divided into various segments. In between these scenes, use Movavi’s list of transition styles to blend one clip into another seamlessly. 



Stickers are a great way to enhance the aesthetics of your videos. The Movavi Video Editor has a variety of themed stickers, such as smiley faces, palm trees, or cocktails. This tool lets you drag and drop stickers onto your title track easily. You can also change how long a sticker appears by dragging the edges of a sticker clip. 



All videos should have a title so your audience knows exactly your content. Movavi has a variety of title styles that you can preview before using them. You can change or customize these titles to match the design of your video. 



Do you want to give your videos an old-timey look or perhaps an 80s flare? You can access professional-looking filters using a Mac or Windows device. You can also search for specific filters by using the search bar on your dashboard. 

New and Improved Video Editing Features of Movavi

Movavi video editor has new and improved video editing tools like special effects and automated features for faster editing capabilities. In this section, we’ll explain what each tool can do for you. 

New Timeline for Easy Editing 

New Timeline for Easy Editing 

It’s easier now than ever to use Movavi, whether you want to create HD or 4K videos, because the platform has revamped its timeline. Your timeline is more streamlined, making finding and using editing tools easier. 

AI Motion Tracking 

AI Motion Tracking 

AI (Artificial Intelligence) has become a resourceful tool for videographers who want to save time on editing tasks. Movavi’s video editor now has an AI motion-tracking feature that allows you to add moving graphics to clips. Simply click on the option, and AI will add anything from emojis to memes to moving objects in your video. 

AI Background Removal 

AI Background Removal

Don’t have the time or the budget to set up a green screen? Use the AI background removal tool to easily remove your existing background from your video and replace it with fun graphics. Change your background to solid colors or moving images to keep your audience engaged. 

AI Noise Removal 

AI Noise Removal 

If you don’t have a recording booth, it can be difficult to create videos without noise in the background. You may hear dogs barking or cars driving past, which may affect the audio quality of your footage. Use Movavi’s AI noise removal tool to remove unpleasant sounds from your video automatically. 

Special Effects

Special Effects

What parts of the video stand out most when you watch a movie trailer? Filmmakers make a point of using special effects either to enhance the footage or to tap into their viewers’ emotions. 

Whether you want to create action-packed travel vlogs or tranquil baking videos, Movavi offers a variety of professionally designed effects. To use this feature, sign up to Movavi’s Effects Store. 

Overlay Effects

Overlay Effects

Editing software allows you to change reality if you want to, especially with Movavi’s new overlay effects feature. By adding overlays to your video, you can put planets in the sky or give the illusion that the stars are falling. 

In the overlay effects section, there are 13 blending modes to merge two videos seamlessly to create something unique.

Why Should You Choose the Movavi Video Editor?

One of the reasons professional content creators choose Movavi’s video editor is that it doesn’t require coding skills to use it. All the elements in your timeline have a drag-and-drop feature. So, you can simply click on what you want and drag it onto a clip.

Furthermore, you can easily delete or move items by clicking, dragging, and dropping them in the appropriate area. Movavi allows you to preview your clips before finalizing your video. You can also add media files like photographs or music or use the built-in media Movavi offers. 

Although Movavi’s timeline has been streamlined, it’s easy to find all the tools you want, like your media bin, effects panel, and Text features. All tools and buttons are on the left-hand side of your screen. 

Final Thoughts 

Are you ready to create stunning videos that have the power to captivate your target audience? With Movavi’s video editing software, you can create videos like tutorials, vlogs, and even gaming footage. 

As you can see in this post, you’ll have access to various useful tools, including AI background and noise removers. The AI tools work wonders for those working on a tight schedule!

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